Ep. 3: Carly Beaudry The Power of the Womb

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Live October 18 2019

Painful periods, infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, polyps, prolapse, incontinence, menopause, laparoscopic surgery, LEAP procedures. Any of these sound way too familiar? Women’s health is truly in an epidemic with the amount of dis-eases and imbalances experienced daily both on an acute and chronic level. Could it all just be a symptom of the disconnected way our society lives?

A powerful discussion with Carly Beaudry, as a women’s health advocate, leader, and practitioner, she has over 15 years of body work experience within Structural Integration, Holistic Pelvic Care™, +  Arvigo Therapy™. Carly is also a Full-Spectrum Doula, and a radical humanitarian - our world could use more people like this woman.

With the deep seeded belief that the outcome of women’s health as a whole resides in the health and resiliency of the pelvic bowl, Carly’s work has transformed into a deeper calling to empower and educate people, especially women, about their bodies. 

In this podcast we discuss the importance of balance and alignment of a women’s sexual organs, the history of women’s health advocacy before and as a result of colonization, the affects of generational trauma along with ancestral healing, commercial products polluting our bodies, ways to connect back to the land, the birthing process, the fourth trimester, and most importantly, share crucial tools so that we may begin to reconnect to our female bodies, in this fast paced, often comparison led society. 

Speaking with and learning from Carly for this hour was an honour and privilege. It is our hope that you find this podcast thought provoking, empowering, and exactly what our society needs to hear right now - just as we do.


Find Carly Beaudry at Carly Rae and on Instagram @wombmama

This podcast is streamed on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, + Soundcloud.

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