Autumn Equinox + Syncing with the Season

The autumn equinox marks the beginning of the fall season, which can present us with inward + outward change. The stirring of nature mirrors the stirring within each of us, + as the season begins to shift, so do we. Intuitively, our bodies begin to align with these changes and we find ourselves craving the notions of this transition: warmth, rest, reflection + nourishment. 

We can honour our bodies through this change by syncing with the turning of seasons - this concept is known as “season syncing.” Our bodies are naturally drawn to the Earths rhythm, and even though we can sometimes fall in and out of this dance, we can always come back to following it’s lead. 

For some, this time of year can feel a bit heavy with the days getting darker + shorter, + the need to come back into routine takes hold. Fortunately, there are ways to ease this transition + welcome fall with an increased sense of peace. 

We hope these tips below allow you to feel hopeful, grounded + deeply nourished as we make our way through the coming months! 

Nourishment for the fall season

  • Opt for more warm beverages such as herbal teas, hot cacao, elixirs + broths (as opposed to icy cold drinks) to support your internal warmth.

  • Our "digestive fire" refers to the strength of our gut, + it’s ability to break down foods. In the colder months, it naturally decreases. Integrate warming herbs + spices like cinnamon, ginger, turmeric + nutmeg into your diet to help support our digestive system at this time.

  • Include in season + local produce as often as you can (while you can) as they tend to be more nutritious + have higher vitamin + mineral content, as opposed to produce that’s coming in from other parts of the world.

  • Warming + grounding foods such as root vegetables, cooked vegetables, soups + stews, oats, cooked + dried fruits, pumpkin, beef, poultry etc, help increase the “yang” in our bodies, which according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, may help to increase energy, promote circulation + dispel cold.

  • Include (and cook with!) healthy fats to help nourish your cells + combat the dryness that we so often feel as we make our way into the colder months. These can include avocados, grass fed butter, coconut oil, ghee etc.

  • Be mindful of including vitamin D rich foods like liver, egg yolks + fish into the diet, as our exposure to the sun decreases in the cooler months. An easy way to up your intake is to add a pastured egg yolk to your morning coffee!

Egg Yolk Coffee

✨steam your milk of choice (canned or homemade coconut milk or raw are the most gut friendly)
🍄sprinkle in 1/2 tsp shroom5 potion
✨1 tsp MCT oil
✨1-2shots espresso
✨dollop maple syrup
✨1 pastured egg yolk
+ add everything to a high speed blender for 5 seconds + fuel your cells at the deepest level

Lifestyle Practices

  • Slow down: It’s common for our energy levels to decrease as the days grow darker - and that’s ok! Adjust your expectations of exercise as your body begins to slow down for the season. You can begin to transition into lighter movements like yoga, nature walks, or just reduce the intensity of your workouts.

  • Create a nourishing nighttime routine: Our bodies crave more rest when the days are shorter - honour that request! Allow yourself the time + space to unwind by reducing screen time, lighting a candle, sipping a nourishing elixir, having a warm bath with epsom salt, and turning down the lights to set your body up for restful evening - which leads us to our next point…

  • Sleep! We naturally want to rest + rise with the sun; this is our body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) and it LOVES to follow a regular sleep schedule, which is why it is so beneficial to our bodies to be consistent with sleep. Prioritize going to sleep and waking up at the same times to regulate this rhythm.

  • Reduce stress: We all know by now the impact that stress has on our physical + mental well being; but we also know that running away/ignoring our stressors isn’t always plausible or practical (we can dream though, right?). So instead, we suggest taking charge and managing how you feel. Practice breath work, start your day with a meditation, incorporate adaptogens, make time to do things you truly love + give yourself some grace through all the changes.

  • Gratitude: Acknowledging all that we have done up until now + sitting with a grateful heart is a powerful practice. It reminds us of what we’ve accomplished, what we hold true + allows us to hone in on what’s important in our personal world. Take a few moments through this changing of seasons to reflect on the year so far - shifting our activity inward can allow for deeper reflection of the months passed + all you wish to encompass in the future.

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